Thursday, October 30, 2008

Integrated Global Studies School: A Dream or a Reality?

Yesterday in advisory, a teacher named Mr. Vargas gave us a presentation about the new Integrated Global Studies school. The idea sounded very intriguing to me, because I loved taking EH freshman year and AS junior year (both classes that integrate English and History). Since I loved these classes so much, I thought that IGSS would be a good choice for me. In addition, the IGSS focuses on global studies and the environment, which is similar to Geoscience. I am taking Geoscience this year and it has been my favorite science course at New Trier so far.

After introducing the idea, Mr. Vargas gave us a few things to consider with scheduling. For starters, it would take place periods 5-8. My senior year I was hoping to take Design as an art elective, a class that only meets sixth period. The reality is that I have wanted to take this class for a long time, and if I did IGSS I would have to give it up, something that I didn't want to do. In addition, IGSS counts for English, History, and Science, which means I could not take other English, History, or Science courses. Ever since Freshman year, I have planned to take AP Psych and AP Creative Writing Senior Year. Not only do these courses look good on college appliations, but they also interest me greatly. After listening to Mr. Vargas speak, I realized that the dream, (or idea) was that I could take another integrated class, something I loved. The reality was that I would have to give up other courses that I have wanted to take for a long time. Another reality which we addressed in class is that colleges prefer to see standard courses rather than new, somewhat experimental ones. After talking to some friends in advisory, I learned that others, like myself are intrigued by an integrated course, but are hesitant to deviate from their four-year plan they created freshman year.


LLashmet said...

Great Post Courtney!
I liked how you took your personal experiences and related them to class. When I was told about the IGSS program, I too was very intrigued by it because it provides a smaller, more interactive learning environment. My advisor described the program as, "The cutting edge of education". However, I was also turned away from this program for similar reasons regarding my senior year scheduling. Therefore, I believe, that for this dream to become a reality, students should have been told of it earlier in their high school years. For these reasons, I think that future classes may have success with this program, but I am not sure it will find success in the class of 2010.

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